Year | Name | Student of | Title | Held at UNB Archives |
1833 | R. Duvernet | Kings College | | No |
1834 | Not awarded | | | No |
1835 | George Lee | Kings College | | No |
1836 | Not awarded | | | No |
1837 | W. H. Shore | Kings College | | No |
1838 | Not awarded | | | No |
1839 | Not awarded | | | No |
1840 | J. S. Millidge | Kings College | | No |
1841 | Not awarded | | | No |
1842 | E. J. Jacob | Kings College | | No |
1843 | Not awarded | | | No |
1844 | W. Q. Ketchum | Kings College | | No |
1845 | C. G. Coster J. McGivern | Kings College | | No No |
1846 | E. B. Fisher | Kings College | | No |
1847 | Not awarded | | | No |
1848 | Not awarded | | | No |
1849 | W. P. Dole | Kings College | | No |
1850 | Hurd Peters | Kings College | | No |
1851 | G. G. Roberts | Kings College | | No |
1852 | T. A. Gregory | Kings College | | No |
1853 | Not awarded | | | No |
1854 | G. S. Smith | Kings College | | No |
1855 | Not awarded | | | No |
1856 | E. R. Burpee | Kings College | | No |
1857 | J. F. Stevenson | Kings College | | No |
1858 | F. A. Morrison | Kings College | | No |
1859 | H. L. Sturdee | Kings College | | No |
1860 | W. C. Lee | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1861 | A. W. Smith | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1862 | J. P. Sheraton | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1863 | L. C. Allison | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1864 | J. D. Phinney | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1865 | G. R. Parkin | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1866 | G. E. Foster | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1867 | P. C. Keegan | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1868 | S. Russell | UNB Fredericton | "The Electric Telegraph considered in its moral, social, and political aspects" | No |
1869 | W. S. MacFarlane | UNB Fredericton | "The influence of the Higher Institutions of Learning on Commerce and Civilization" | No |
1870 | G. C. Coster | UNB Fredericton | "The relation of the Physical Sciences to Manufacturers and Commerce" | No |
1871 | L. C. Wortman | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1872 | W. Wilson | UNB Fredericton | "Natural History - its value in the educational point of view" | No |
1873 | W. G. Gaunce | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1874 | S. J. Jenkins | UNB Fredericton | "The value of Liberal Education to the Man of Business" | No |
1875 | J. F. Burditt | UNB Fredericton | "The influence of Religious truth on National Charter" | No |
1876 | T. C. Jack | UNB Fredericton | "The relative merits of old and new countries as fields for enterprise | No |
1877 | W. E. MacIntire | UNB Fredericton | "The natural resource so the Dominion in Canada" | No |
1878 | J. R. Mace | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1879 | W. D. McLeod | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1880 | A. W. Wilkinson | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1881 | W. S. Carter | UNB Fredericton | "The Greatness and Decline of Venice" | No |
1882 | W. J. Fowler | UNB Fredericton | "The effect of the discoveries of the 19th century upon the comforts and conveniences of Life" | No |
1883 | W. T. Raymond | UNB Fredericton | "What is culture? And how is it best attained?" | Extract |
1884 | J. M. Lemont | UNB Fredericton | "The Great North West, its past and future" | Extract |
1885 | W. J. S. Myles | UNB Fredericton | "The Mental rather than the Material resources of Canada" | No |
1886 | W. Murchie | UNB Fredericton | "The Duties of the Civilized Man to the Uncivilized Man whose country He Invades" | Extract |
1887 | J. B. Sutherland | UNB Fredericton | "The Relation between Labor and Capital" | Extract |
1888 | C. J. Milligan | UNB Fredericton | "The Relation of American Literature to Democracy" | Extract |
1889 | F. L. Christie | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1890 | D. L. Mitchell | UNB Fredericton | "Applications of Edmund Burke's principles to religious, political, and social affairs at the present time" | Extract |
1891 | F. P. Yorston | UNB Fredericton | "Emerson's Life and Works" | Extract |
1892 | Ellen F. P. Peake | UNB Fredericton | "Colonial Empires of the past, and their lessons to those of the present" | Extract |
1893 | Isabel S. McIntosh | UNB Fredericton | "The Social Effects of the Scientific Inventions of the Nineteenth century" | Extract |
1894 | Loretta L. Shaw | UNB Fredericton | "The Characteristics of Modern Fiction" | No |
1895 | Horace L. Brittain | UNB Fredericton | "The Dangers and Safeguards of Modern Democratic Government" | No |
1896 | Samuel H. McKee | UNB Fredericton | "The Relations of Science to the State" | Extract |
1897 | Arthur H. Shea | UNB Fredericton | "English Diary and Letter Writers" | No |
1898 | Frank J. Bayfield | UNB Fredericton | "The Actual and the ideal Political Life" | Extract |
1899 | W. J. R. Wilson | UNB Fredericton | "The Aims and Methods of Modern Science" | No |
1900 | W. H. Harrison | UNB Fredericton | "The literary position of Germany Among the Nations" | No |
1901 | W. O. Raymond | UNB Fredericton | "The centennial celebration of the university at Fredericton" | Yes |
1902 | Chester B. Martin | UNB Fredericton | "The natural resources of New Brunswick" | Yes |
1903 | Ina F. Mersereau | UNB Fredericton | "England under Alfred the Great and under Edward the Seventh" | Extract |
1904 | Martha A. Osborne | UNB Fredericton | "The development of the Canadian Northwest, a retrospect and a forecast" | No |
1905 | Theodore R. McNally | UNB Fredericton | "Science in war" | * |
1906 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: English essayists of the early 19th century | No |
1907 | Clara M. Robinson | UNB Fredericton | "The history and problems of Canadian immigration" | No |
1908 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The factors in the growth of the Maritime Provinces | No |
1909 | Beatrice W. Welling | UNB Fredericton | "The contributions of women to English literature" | No |
1910 | George N. Belyea | UNB Fredericton | "The transportation problem in Canada: its bearing on the future development of the country" | No |
1911 | Harold C. Belyea | UNB Fredericton | "The most expeditious and scientific way of surveying, classifying and registering the public lands of New Brunswick and the best means to be adopted for their protection and preservation" | * |
1912 | Earle R. MacNutt | UNB Fredericton | "British essayists" | * |
1913 | George B. Carpenter | UNB Fredericton | "The development and value of the commission as a means of the state's regulation of trade and industry" | No |
1914 | Emerson C. Rice | UNB Fredericton | "The underdeveloped resources of New Brunswick" | No |
1915 | George J. Marr | UNB Fredericton | "Canadian national ideals" | * |
1916 | Adrian B. Gilbert | UNB Fredericton | "The economic aspects of the prohibition of liquor traffic" | * |
1917 | D. Gordon Willet | UNB Fredericton | "The geology and mineral deposits of New Brunswick" | * |
1918 | John F. McIntosh | UNB Fredericton | "The Supernatural in Shakespeare's plays" | * |
1919 | Frances Mary VanWart | UNB Fredericton | "A permanent agricultural policy for Canada" | * |
1920 | C. L. Armstrong | UNB Fredericton | "The preservation of wild bird life - its economic, aesthetic and humane aspects" | * |
1921 | Edith M. Jones | UNB Fredericton | "The development of The English novel" | * |
1922 | Russell R. Sheldrick | UNB Fredericton | "The effect of confederation on the economic and political development of New Brunswick" | * |
1923 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The influence of of wild life reservations and national parks on a nation's life | No |
1924 | Mary B. Jones | UNB Fredericton | "The value of Wordsworth to the present generation" | No |
1925 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: An immigration policy for Canada | No |
1926 | Edwin A. Stuart | UNB Fredericton | "The University's place in a biological survey of the province" | * |
1927 | Robert J. Love | UNB Fredericton | "The effect of confederation on the Maritime Provinces" | * |
1928 | Burton S. Keirstead | UNB Fredericton | "The resources and economic possibilities of the Maritime Provinces" | Yes |
1929 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The economic and aesthetic importance of animal and bird reservations | No |
1930 | Horace A. Hanson | UNB Fredericton | "The political evolution of Canada as a self-governing member of the British Commonwealth of Nations" | No |
1931 | Muriel M. Miller | UNB Fredericton | "The poetry of Bliss Carman" | * |
1932 | J. Ernest Anderson | UNB Fredericton | "A survey of the geological deposits of organic origin in the province of New Brunswick | * |
1933 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: A study in the indebtedness of the Canadian Provinces | * |
1934 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The poetry of Charles G. D. Roberts | No |
1935 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The University of New Brunswick | No |
1936 | Jack H. Thurrot | UNB Fredericton | "What health education should the public schools provide?" | * |
1937 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: Euripides: the link between primitive and present day drama | * |
1938 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The responsibility of science to society | * |
1939 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: A study of provincial and local taxation and administration of public welfare functions | No |
1940 | James C. Morrow | UNB Fredericton | "The genesis and development of the Arthurian Legends" | Yes |
1941 | Roy Morrow | UNB Fredericton | "The importance of research as an aid to the shore and deep sea fisheries of the Maritime provinces" | Yes |
1942 | Manzer L. Bunker | UNB Fredericton | "Forests - their role in post-war readjustments" | Yes |
1943 | Frances A. Firth | UNB Fredericton | Assigned topic: The importance of the study of modern languages | No* |
1944 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The importance of the social sciences in war time | No |
1945 | Elizabeth Brewster | UNB Fredericton | "The conflict of the state and individual in the ancient world" | No |
1946 | Dennis A. Benson | UNB Fredericton | "The social responsibility of science" | Yes |
1947 | James M. Wheatley | UNB Fredericton | "A new curriculum for UNB" | Yes |
1948 | Frederick Cogswell | UNB Fredericton | "Literature and society" | Yes |
1949 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The achievements and prospects of the United Nations | No |
1950 | Frederick C. Allen | UNB Fredericton | "The case for and against the Chignecto Canal" | Yes |
1951 | Robert J. Gibbs | UNB Fredericton | "T. S. Eliot as playwright" | Yes |
1952 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The importance of graduate research in Canadian universities | No |
1953 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The race question and the contemporary political crisis in South Africa | No |
1954 | Ian Watson | UNB Fredericton | "The race questions and the contemporary political crisis in South Africa" ^ | Yes |
1955 | J. Neil Mulvaney | UNB Fredericton | "The problem of good and evil in Goethe's Faust" | Yes |
1956 | Robert E. Hawkes | UNB Fredericton | "The Irish theatre movement and its social and political background" | Yes |
1957 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: The Canadian Arctic, past, present and future | No |
1958 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: A study of recent literary utopias | No |
1959 | Not awarded | | Assigned topic: A study of recent literary utopias | No |
1960 | Janice I. Bartlett | UNB Fredericton | "The Classical Laws of Motion" | No |
1961 | Brigid E. Toole | UNB Fredericton | "Michelangelo" | No |
1962 | Margaret J. Gammon | UNB Fredericton | "A study of Milton's Comus" | Yes |
1963 | E. Joanne Rowley | UNB Fredericton | "Fate in the novels of Thomas Hardy" | Yes |
1964 | Colin K. Scott | UNB Fredericton | | No |
1965 | Not awarded | | | No |
1966 | Lynda A. Muir Craig C. McLeod | Unknown | "The function of Landschaft in Buckner's Lenz" "The poet and his pose: an essay on Auden's thought and his poetic roles in In Time of War" | Yes Yes |
1967 | Marion L. Cox Beyea | UNB Fredericton | "The incorporation of Saint John" | Yes |
1968 | Patricia E. Pacey | UNB Fredericton | "Patterns of imagery and their significance in The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises" | Yes |
1969 | Not awarded | | | No |
1970 | Carolyn E. Keirstead | Unknown | "Archaelogical field methods for shell-midden excavations" | No |
1971 | Bruce R. Bartlett | Unknown | "The origins and character of Nazi racial ideology" | Yes |
1972 | Brian E. Williams | Unknown | "Tanzania: decision-making in an African economy" | Yes |
1973 | Diana L. Austin | Unknown | "Social vision as the source of poetic vision int eh poetry of F. R. Scott" | Yes |
1974 | J. Randall Francis | Unknown | "Goodbye to all that God willing! A study of the end of idealism in British war literature, 1914-1933" | Yes |
1975 | Eileen S. Martin | UNB Fredericton | "The theme of nature in early American literature" | Yes |
1976 | Linda M. Kelly | Unknown | "A character study of Chaucer's Criseyde" | Yes |
1977 | Linda C. Law | Unknown | "Theme and language in Arnold's Marguerite poems" | Yes |
1978 | Carol A. Ferguson | UNB Fredericton | "The Spanish Civil War Research Unit" | Yes |
1979 | Barbara L. Hughes | UNB Fredericton | "A study of W. H. Auden's Horae Canonicae" | Yes |
1980 | Sandi London Guptill | UNB Fredericton | "Narrative voice in Robertson Davies' novels" | Yes |
1981 | M. Sharon Carr | UNB Fredericton | "Nostromo: for those who think Jung" | Yes |
1982 | Lorna M. Brown | Unknown | "Justice and mercy in Measure for Measure" | Yes |
1983 | Judith Stanley | UNB Saint John | "The nature of man and the issues arising from the prospects for human cloning" | Yes |
1984 | Mary C. McDevitt | UNB Saint John | "The American Revolution: its consequences for women" | Yes |
1985 | Wanda R. McNally | Unknown | "Juliana of Norwich: her life and legacy" | Yes |
1986 | Katherine A. Ratliffe | UNB Fredericton | "Bishop Blougram's Apology: the problem of judgement" | Yes |
1987 | Roderick F. Cater | UNB Fredericton | "The case against Copernicus" | Yes |
1988 | Janice M. Cook | Unknown | "Robbing the cradle: child labour in New Brunswick 1784-1905 and the movement toward child labour legislation" | Yes |
1989 | Pamela J. Graham | Unknown | "Cruel destiny, a reconciliation of elements in King Lear" | Yes |
1990 | Stephanie A. Rhynold | Unknown | "It am I, pander" | Yes |
1991 | Not awarded | | | No |
1992 | Dawn Bourque | Unknown | "Alienation and rectification in Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis" | Yes |
1993 | Iain MacPherson | UNB Fredericton | "Physicality in Elliot Merrick's True North and Dillon Wallace's The Lure of the Labrador Wild" | Yes |
1994 | Audrey Marie Cormier | Unknown | "The Consequences of the Enlightenment: Poor Relief" | Yes |
1995 | Edward C. Hamilton | Unknown | The Conceptual Canoeist" | Yes |
1996 | Luke E. Peterson | UNB Fredericton | "Madison, Madison and Jefferson and Inalienable Human Rights | Yes |
1997 | Marie-Andree Somers | UNB Fredericton | "Existentialists Condemned all Theories Which Insist that Human Beings Have a Fixed Essence or Nature as Cowardly Denials of Moral Responsibility" | Yes |
1998 | Holly Arnold | UNB Fredericton | "Conserving Biodiversity in a Fragmented Forest: the Science and Rationale of Wildlife Corridors" | Yes |
1999 | Bill MacGillivray | UNB Fredericton | "Baseball as Life: the Henry Wiggen Novels of Mark Harris" | Yes |
2000 | Alexandra Leah Clarke | UNB Fredericton | "Mysticism in E.M. Forster's A Passage to India: Did Mrs. Moor Experience a Hindu Insight in the Marabar Caves?" | Yes |
2001 | Robin Bolivar | UNB Fredericton | "The Madhouse Divorce" | Yes |
2002 | Katia Annique Grubisic | UNB Fredericton | "'It was a fairy, and come from Elf-land:' Elements of Fairy Tales in Jane Eyre" | Yes |
2003 | Megan Woodworth | UNB Fredericton | "Luther's Lament, or "Why is nothing ever simple?" | Yes |
2004 | Sarah Nason | UNB Fredericton | "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Victorian Sex (But the Silly Novelists were Afraid to Tell)" | Yes |
2005 | Bjorn Langerlof | Unknown | "The Lost Generation - La Grande Guerre and its Irreversible effects on the French Peasantry" | Yes |
2006 | Tracey Lynn Bradley | Unknown | "Temporal Changes in the Pattern of Fledging by Atlantic Puffin Fratercula Arctica Chicks" | Yes |
2007 | Stephanie Yorke | UNB Fredericton | "Place, Desire, and Ila in Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines" | Yes |
2008 | Alan Lensink | UNB Fredericton | "Obeah and the Process of Africa-Oriented Acculturation in the British West Indies from 1650-1800" | Yes |
2009 | Anne Elizabeth Thornton | Unknown | "The Art of 'Mexicanidad': Visual Evolution and Revolution" | No |
2010 | David Philip Bryden | Unknown | "The Charter and Rights Consciousness" | No |
2011 | Kelly Rebecca Flinn | UNB Fredericton | "The Art of Global Resistance; Alternative Social Visions in Counter-Hegemony" | No |
2012 | Travis Patrick Wysote | Unknown | "The Lubicon Quest for Self-Determination: Shattering the Display Case on 'The Spirit Sings'" | Yes |
2013 | Francis Rene Losier Bischoff | UNB Fredericton | "Topological Insight into the Patterns of Quantum Energy Levels of the EF State of Molecular Hydrogen" | No |
2014 | Rebecca Danielle Stieva | UNB Fredericton | "Childbirth, Socio-sexual Deviance, and Racial Hierarchy: A Comparison of European, Native, and African Childbirth Practices in the Early Modern Era" | No |
2015 | Joseph Cameron Burton | UNB Fredericton | "The Religious-Political Complex: the New American Right and a Politics of Fear" | No |
2016 | Bronwyn Briden | UNB Fredericton | "Pragmatism in an Age of Conflict" | No |
2017 | Kyle John Lefort | UNB Saint John | "Changes in Atlantic PUffin Fratercula Arctica Egg Volume in Eastern Canada" | No |
2018 | Mary Bethany Langmaid | UNB Fredericton | "Truth, Lies, and 'False News': the (De)construction of History in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale" | No |
2019 | [Not Awarded?] |
2020 | Tabatha Cormier | UNB Saint John | No |
2021 | Kathleen Elspeth Peacock | UNB Fredericton | No |